5 Bad Cleaning Habits You Need to Change Immediately

man and woman scrubbing hardwood floor

5 Bad Cleaning Habits You Need to Change Immediately

By : angila
Everyone has some good and bad cleaning habits. While good habits make your house cleaning chore easier, bad ones may leave you in a more stressful situation as it leads to the dirty atmosphere. This means you need to put in extra efforts to get your house cleaned thoroughly.In order to treat harmful germs and built-up bacteria, you have to change your bad cleaning habits immediately. You should focus more on getting the job done effectively and efficiently without committing any mistake. Keep your mind open for the changes and get a better person by recalibrating all your cleaning blunders and bad habits. You can also outsource a thorough end of lease cleaning in Melbourne to ensure the germ-free and sanitised rental property to get your 100 % bond amount back. But, if you want to sustain a hygienic environment in your house, you have to say goodbye to bad cleaning habits. Here in this post, we’ll bring you five most common bad cleaning habits that everyone must change as soon as possible.

1. Using Too Much Harsh Cleaning Products

Expensive commercial cleaning products are fantastic. They can help you remove stubborn stains and dust without much elbow grease. Of course, they look fancy and can reduce your cleaning chore, but excess use of chemical-based cleaners could lead to harmful diseases. So, instead of using toxic cleaning products, you can trigger stain, dirt and grime with natural DIY cleaning solutions that are safe and biodegradable. Replace harsh chemicals with eco-friendly cleaning solutions using white vinegar, baking soda, lemon, tea tree oil etc. Tip: Use milder cleaning products to treat stubborn stains and grease. Make sure they are environmentally friendly and safe for small toddlers and pets.

2. Using Dirty Cleaning Tools

Most of the people keep on using the dirty cleaning tools to remove dust and dirt from the surfaces. No matter how thoroughly you clean your house, if your cleaning tool such as a vacuum cleaner or a duster is dirty and full of grime, it won’t clean up your surfaces. Using a dirty mop or any other tool all around the house spreads bacterial growth and allergens whatever it touches. If you always use the same dirty cleaning tool to spruce up your house, then you should stop it immediately. Take the time to clean vacuum cleaners, filters, mop, duster, rags, and microfiber cloth after every use. Wash it in hot water and add a disinfectant to kill bacteria and other pollens. You can also replace them with new ones in every three to five months.

3. Ignoring the Filthy Dishes in the Sink

A kitchen without a doubt is one of the dirtiest places in the house. But you make it even worse by leaving the dirty dishes in the sink for a longer period. This breeds hundreds and thousands of bacteria and germs, which can cause some serious health diseases such as food poisoning. Well, you can rectify this mistake and also train your family members to either put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher or wash them immediately. Also, keep the sink free of food residue, stains, and garbage disposal. Tip: For thorough dishwashing cleaning, you can hire the Melbourne’s most reputed cleaning company that can take the stress out of your complicated cleaning chores.

4. Not Organising a Bed on a Daily Basis

Aren’t you making your bed daily? This also comes under bad cleaning habits. An unmade bed makes your bedroom look messy and dirty while allowing dust and dirt to penetrate through the fibres of bedsheets and deep inside the mattress. If you want to maintain the cleanliness aspect inside your house, you should make a habit of making the bed each morning. Try to keep your bedroom clean and organised on a daily basis.

5. Dusting at the Last

There should be a proper cleaning checklist, and everyone should start from the top to down while dusting their rooms. Before you scrub the stains or wipe down the floor, make sure you remove the dust and dirt particles. If you are dusting at the last of your cleaning process, then you should stop doing that. Change this habit and start your cleaning task by dusting dirty floors and other surfaces. Tip: Use a clean duster or microfiber cloth when it comes to removing dust and grime. Also, vacuum the furniture, carpets and floors to fetch dry dust particles and pollens.


These are the five most common bad cleaning habits that should be eradicated as soon as possible. You can learn from your mistakes so that you can clean up your house quickly and efficiently. For those who are relocating from Melbourne to other states of Australia, make sure you hire professional end of lease cleaners in Melbourne to get your bond amount back after the property inspection. You can also rectify your bad cleaning habits and implement those changes in your new house.