9 Cleaning Products You Should Never Use On Your Wood Floors

cropped picture of a man wiping hardwood floor

9 Cleaning Products You Should Never Use On Your Wood Floors

By : angila
Hardwood flooring is one of the great choices when it comes to renovating the entire house. They not only add lushness but also bring a bit of warmth. The best part is cleaning solid wood floors are super easy because they don’t collect a lot of grime, dust particles, dirt and other debris. You can vacuum, mop and sweep them once or twice a week for a sparkling look. That’s the reason why it has been a favourite flooring option for centuries. Despite being gorgeous and easy to clean, they are super delicate and can easily be ruined. This means you can’t use anything on them to remove stains and grime. There are certain cleaning products that you can’t apply on the hardwood flooring because they are abrasive or contain acidic property that can cause serious damage. It is important to use the right products and tools, especially when you are vacating from a rental property. You should always consider hiring professionals for a reliable end of lease cleaning in Melbourne. It is because they have proven methods to spruce up the entire property, including wooden flooring to help you get the bond back without any dispute. However, if you want to keep your hardwood surfaces look shiny for years, then avoid using the following cleaning products:

1. Ammonia

Ammonia is one of the common ingredients used in almost all store-bought cleaning products. It is a hazardous chemical that can work effectively on stubborn stains, mould and mildew, but you should never use it on wood floorings. The abrasive property of ammonia can damage the surface and also dissolves the lignin in the hardwood. Instead, you can use baking soda to cut through gunk, stains and other debris. Also, never combine ammonia with bleach as it can produce toxic fumes- which can lead to harmful diseases.

2. Hydrogen Peroxide

There is no denying the fact that hydrogen peroxide is one of the excellent cleaning products for treating tough stains, mould and microbes. But, you can’t use it on every surface, especially on finished wood. It can discolour your polished floors if you use it frequently. If you don’t want to damage your floors, you can run a damp microfiber mop regularly to avoid stains and built-up grease and grime.

3. Sandpaper

Nobody wants to spend hours on scrubbing off tough stains, and that’s why people use fancy cleaning tools to achieve clean results quickly. Sandpaper is one of those tools that can be used on remove stains and grime. However, it can leave scratches on your wood floors. So, you should never use sandpaper on such surfaces. It is better to use a magic eraser to get rid of grime and stains to maintain the pristine look of your wooden floorings. Most experienced end of lease cleaners uses magic erasers and other eco-friendly products to deliver safe and sound results.

4. White Vinegar

White Vinegar is also one of those cleaning products that can bring back the lost shine of various surfaces around the home. It works wonder when it comes to removing carpet stains, built-up grease from microwaves and ovens, showerhead, and other surfaces. But, never use Vinegar on finished wood floors because it contains acetic acid. It only works effectively on sinks, windows and other durable surfaces than wooden floorings and natural stones. You can use rubbing alcohol, castile soap and warm water solution and spray it on the affected area for safe outcomes. Leave it for a few minutes and wipe it up using a damp microfiber mop.

5. Bleach

Never use bleach to remove stubborn stains from your wooden floorings. It can discolour the surface permanently. So, it is good to stay away from such cleaning products. Instead, you can use a specialised wooden floor cleaning agent or natural cleaning solutions to keep the stains away from your delicate and expensive floorings.

6. Liquid Polish

You can find a variety of liquid polishing products on the local market in Melbourne, which promises to maintain the look and feel of wood floors. However, these often loaded with waxes and oils that will leave sticky residues on your surface if you use it regularly. Plus, it can make your floors look dull and discoloured.

7. Lemon or Lemon Juice

Lemon juice also contains acidic properties that can ruin the finish of your floors. If you want to maintain the flawless look of your wood floors for years, then do not use lemon or lemon juice on it. A Lemon not only makes your floors dull but also wears down the polish. So, it is better to use non-acidic and mild cleaning agents that are made explicitly for wooden floors.

8. Steam Cleaning Machines

Steam cleaning is the best way to remove accumulated dust, gunk, built-up grease and grime from carpets, upholstery and other surfaces. But, it shouldn’t be used on wood floors because it is porous and moisture can be absorbed quickly. Steam cleaners usually leave excessive moisture on the floors that can lead to long-term damage and cupping. Instead, you can use a microfiber mop to clean your hardwood floors and other laminated surfaces to ensure its durability.

9. Soapy Water

Applying soapy water directly on the hardwood floors can cause severe damage over the long run. Apart from this, soap tens to leave a sticky residue which can dull the natural shine of your floors. So, avoid using soap and water on your beautiful wooden floorings. Again, you can use damp microfiber mops while cleaning your floors. This is a safe and secure way to maintain its beauty.


Keeping the hardwood floors clean and shiny is not as tough as you think. All you need is awareness and the right cleaning products. It is good to remove spills immediately to prevent the surface from dullness or discolouration. With the help of this article, you can keep these 9 products away while sprucing up your wood floors. If you need professional assistance while vacating your rental property, then hire professionals for a meticulous end of lease cleaning in Melbourne and pass the final inspection.