Is Vinegar a Cleaning Product?
Vinegar is a natural and cheap ingredient which is very effective for bacteria and dirt. It is a mild acid which helps in unclogging drains, deodorising, disinfecting, and removing stains. It can also be used in diluted form, along with baking soda, or as an ingredient in a homemade solution. All these properties make vinegar a multipurpose cleaner. You can use it for cleaning your home.
Many people across Melbourne use it daily and love it but not knowing the correct uses is exasperating and in fact, prevents them from having a green-clean home and dispose ofhazardous chemicals. There are many homemade cleaning components that you can make yourself, but vinegar works best when it is about home cleaning. It’s good to experiment and check different ways of cleaning the house.
However, taking expert service from the end of lease cleaning specialists in Melbourne like Bond Cleaning in Melbourne is the best option if you feel that you are not getting the desired results. They are well known for the different and proven ways of cleaning.
However, it has become a myth, is vinegar actually a cleaning product? Can we use it for all the household things? Are there any side effects also? This article will help you see how you can use vinegar in cleaning:
The kitchen is the part of your house which needs to be hundred percent clean. Food is cooked here, and it’s imperative to keep it dirt free and hence germ-free. Vinegar is the best option when comes to clean the kitchen. Start with the surface cleaning of the refrigerator using white vinegar. Wipe it up with equal parts of vinegar and water mix. You can keep the mixture stored in a bottle in the fridge and use it for months. You can clean cutting boards with vinegar by straight putting vinegar on it. Clean your oven using a mixture of vinegar and water. Tainted plastic containers can also be cleaned up using vinegar.Floors
Cleaning the floors can be a baffling task. However, vinegar works great here. Vinegar is a natural method of removing the stains on floors. Carpet odour can be treated well with vinegar. It also helps in removing the pet odour. The most effective way of treating the floors with vinegar is using the mixture of white vinegar and few drops of essential oil. Spray it evenly throughout. You can rinse the carpet afterwards and let dry.Laundry
Laundry is the most tedious task to do. Whether you are working or not, it takes a whole day to do laundry. The worst part is that even after using detergents and soaps your clothes are not fresh enough. You can always find different stains on the clothes. But vinegar is a great option here. Washing clothes using vinegar will make a lot of difference. It will cost you just a little part of the price of fabric softeners. All you need to do is add a cup of vinegar to the final wash. Your clothes will not only shine but will be stain free.Bedroom
Vinegar also works great in cleansing the bedroom. Vinegar makes a good mattress disinfectant. You can clean the mattress using vinegar added with some water and tea tree oil. Lightly spray it on the mattress, and it will help fight dust, mould and general odours. Let it dry and then vacuum. To wash wooden and laminated floors, you can use a tub of water mixed with half cup vinegar.Bathroom
The bathroom is that one area of your home, which gets dirtier very easily and very often. It becomes fundamental to clean your bathroom regularly so that germs do not collect there. It can affect your health and hygiene. White vinegar works as a quick in cleaning bathroom surfaces. The toilet is the first place to start. Clean it using vinegar. Not just toilet but vinegar will do the general bathroom cleaning too. It will help in removing the urine tint and odour. You can clean the shower and shower heads using vinegar. Tile surfaces can also be scrubbed using vinegar: Just make a simple mixture by mixing half cup white vinegar with a large quantity of lukewarm water. Wipe floors or wash countertops with this solution and let it dry.Things you should NEVER clean using vinegar. Let’s take a look:
Stone floor tiles
The natural stone in your bathroom will not take acidic cleaners such as vinegar or lemon. Avoid ammonia too and continue with your cleaning soap or detergents
Stone and marble countertops
The marble and granite countertops will also act sensitively with vinegar. So do not use vinegar and stick with your regular Dishwasher Detergent and warm water instead.
Egg stains
Egg stains are common if you store eggs but treating them using vinegar is not a good idea. The acidity of the vinegar will thicken it further making the egg more difficult to remove.
Irons too are not very friendly with vinegar. If you use vinegar to clean it, you may them damage further. Vinegar will smash it up internally. So refrain from using vinegar to clean irons.
Truly stubborn stains
Some stains are truly stubborn. No matter how hard you try but they tend to stick and don’t get removed. Stubborn stains such as ink, blood spots, ice cream, coffee stains, grass stains, are so wilful that they won’t come out using vinegar alone. They just don’t respond to acid; hence treat them with special removers available in the market.
Now it is evident that vinegar is a very effective cleaning product. Though, there are few things where it doesn’t work. By keeping the above points in mind, you can use vinegar for cleaning your house. It will give you the best results.
But, house cleaning is not easy, and it takes a toll on us every time. We try hard and still don’t get the desired outcomes. Hence the best option is to get help from expert cleaners like Bond Cleaning in Melbourne, famous for their green cleaning techniques. They are well-trained in the cleaning business and will make your house new and bright again.