Why Is Regular Cleaning And Sanitation Important In The Kitchen?

a family is dusting their kitchen and making it tidy

Why Is Regular Cleaning And Sanitation Important In The Kitchen?

By : angila
Kitchen is among the dirtiest areas in your house. It is common to assume the bathroom or mudroom has the most germs. However, according to the Australian Department of Health, disease-causing bacteria thrive in environments with warm temperatures between 37-38°C, moisture, and food supply.Therefore, it becomes imperative to clean your kitchen regularly and maintain a high level of hygiene. Dedicating one hour a week to maintain your kitchen, which is about ten minutes a day should be the norm. In case, you have a hectic schedule and have to prepare your kitchen for inspection at the end of tenancy, take the assistance of relatives, friends or a professional for end of lease cleaning in Melbourne, so that you can get back your bond money without any hassles. Keeping your kitchen clean and sanitary is vital for several reasons that are mentioned as follows. Also, read on to know tips by expert end-of-lease cleaners in Melbourne on how to effectively clean and maintain your kitchen.

Reasons For Keeping The Kitchen Clean And Sanitary

It is crucial to understand the microbial environment and distribution in your kitchen for leading a healthy and safe life. Mentioned below are reasons to comprehend why an unclean kitchen is hazardous.
  • Bacteria can grow in high concentration in the kitchen because the environment is conducive
  • Kitchen is a high contact zone which makes the transfer of germs, viruses, and other microbes easy
  • Researches and tests relay that the dishwashing sponge has the highest number of bacteria and most household kitchens have contaminants like Salmonella, E. coli, yeast, mould, staph, and faecal matter.
  • Uncleaned grime from cooking can gather dust and germs
  • Kitchen sinks, countertops, and appliances become breeding grounds for illness-causing microbes
  • Kitchen is where a lot of uncooked and unwashed foods such as meats, seafood, vegetables etc. comes in contact with different objects and areas
  • Kitchen is where you clean dishes contaminated by saliva and germs from everyone living in the house
  • It is necessary to keep the kitchen clean to avoid infestation by pests like rodents, ants, cockroaches, and other pests that are attracted to unclean kitchens.
  • Lastly, an unclean kitchen smells terrible and can put you off cooking and make your house less inviting.
Now that you know why regular cleaning and sanitation is important in the kitchen, here is your guide by expert end-of-lease cleaners in Melbourne on how to sanitise and clean your complete house.

Declutter Your Kitchen

Before you start cleaning, it is crucial to declutter your kitchen to keep it hygienic. You can declutter by following these steps:
  • Take out the trash every day
  • Remove leftover food from tables and countertops
  • Empty the sink. Put dirty utensils in dishwasher or clean them as soon as you eat your food.
  • Clear any object or item from the kitchen surfaces that don't belong there
  • Store food, utensils, and other utility items in cabinets, drawers or designated holders.
  • To maintain hygiene, declutter the refrigerator as well.

Start Small

Cleaning is an ongoing process, and you need to do it bit-by-bit. Having a demanding job, a toddler at home or other commitments can leave you with no energy or time to clean your kitchen. So, you shall start small by adopting this easy 10-Minute Cleaning Routine.
  • Load the dishwasher at night and unload in the morning
  • Wipe countertops and stovetops
  • Sweep and mop the floors
  • Clear the garbage bin daily
  • Disinfect the sink by spraying vinegar and splashing hot water before wiping with a paper towel.
  • Clean garbage disposal instantly by preparing frozen cubes of vinegar and lemon rinds. You can throw in the cubes every few days to clean the disposal and sharpen the blades.

Apply The Right Techniques

Expert end of lease cleaners in Melbourne advise cleaning the kitchen from top to bottom. You must start from wiping cupboards, appliances, countertops, and lastly the floors. Also, you should clean from left to right in a circular motion. These techniques help you clean effectively and reduce the chances of recontamination of cleaned surfaces.

Use The Correct Supplies

To maintain and keep your kitchen's hygiene, it is essential to keep the correct cleaning supplies handy. It is best to use non-toxic or natural products for cleaning and disinfecting different areas of your kitchen. Some must-have supplies for effective cleaning of kitchens are mentioned as follows:
  • Natural cleaning products such as baking soda, lemon, salt, white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and Castile liquid soap.
  • Purchase a non-toxic all-purpose cleaner which is free from harmful cleaning chemicals such as Phthalates, Triclosan, Sodium hydroxide, QUATs, ammonia, chlorine, etc.
  • Micro-fibre cloths and mops, paper towels, soft and firm bristled brushes, spray bottles, broom, wipers, squeegees, and other items of utility.

Ask For Help

If you don't have time, suffer from an illness, have disabilities, or need motivation, you can ask your family members and friends to help you clean. Cleaning with friends or relatives can motivate you and get the work done in lesser time. For deep cleans, you can hire a reputed end of lease cleaning company in Melbourne. The professional cleaners can clean your kitchen thoroughly within a few hours. They have modern equipment and superior cleaning products that help them tidy and disinfect your kitchen efficiently and effectively.
Prepare A Timetable
It is good to be organised when you wish to keep your kitchen clean. Some things in your kitchen need to be cleaned every day while others can be cleaned once a month. So, prepare a timetable of daily, weekly and monthly tasks. Assign deadlines for each job. Whether you live with family or roommates, assign ownerships after discussion. Here is a general outline of the tasks your timetable must-have.
Daily Tasks
  • Sweep the floor and mop (once)
  • Clean the countertops and stovetops (after each use)
  • Wash dishes (after each use)
  • Clear the garbage (once)
Weekly Tasks
  • Clean the outsides of cabinets, storage units, appliances, and refrigerator
  • Declutter the kitchen and refrigerator
  • Wash the sink and garbage bins
  • Wash cloths you use in the kitchen
  • Clean the cooking ranges such as ovens, microwaves, stoves, grills, chimneys etc.
  • Clean the insides of cabinets, storage unit, and refrigerator
  • Clean the windows, walls, tiles, grouts, and cobwebs
Keep in mind some tasks may be done several times in a day or some weekly tasks must be done every few days. It all depends on your kitchen usage and the number of people who live in the house. You can customise this list of tasks to meet your cleaning requirements.
Wrapping Up
Cleaning your kitchen becomes easier the more regularly you do it. If you clean correctly, there will be less dust, dirt, grime, and residues. You can reduce the amount of illness-causing germs and lead a healthy life. If possible, involve everyone in your house to help by explaining to them the importance of keeping the kitchen clean. Furthermore, if you find it hard to clean your house deeply as often as you would like, take professional help. Hire a reputed end of lease cleaning company to deep clean your kitchen and give you a fresh start.